It is time to detox, why not try our natural tea.
Maize is the most important grain crop produced by Afgrico, being both the major feed grain and the staple food for the majority of the Congolese population. The maize industry is important to the economy both as an employer and earner of foreign currency because of its multiplier effects. This is because maize also serves as a raw material for manufactured products such as paper, paint, textiles, medicine and food.
Research on African mango shows beneficial effects for diabetes and obesity, as well as analgesic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and GI activity. Ethnomedicinal treatments utilize the bark, kernels, leaves, or roots for a variety of ailments. Numerous studies exist on the potential industrial application of African mango in food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
There are numerous medicinal uses for different parts of the Voacanga africana plant. The latex or infusions of the stem bark, leaves or roots are put on wounds, boils and sores, and used to treat gonorrhoea, eczema, fungal infections and scabies. .
Cassava is the most important tropical root crop. Its starchy roots are a major source of dietary energy and food for more than 100 million people. It is known to be the highest producer of carbohydrates among staple crops. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), cassava ranks fourth as a food crop in the developing countries, after rice, maize and wheat. The leaves are relatively rich in protein and can be consumed. Cassava can be stored in the ground for several seasons, thereby serving as a reserve food when other crops fail. Cassava is also increasingly used as an animal feed and in the manufacture of different industrial products. It is also used in industrial processes.
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